Friday, August 27, 2010


still obsessed to have red hair

(click image to find where they came from)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Shirt : Zara
Jeans : Zara
Shoes : Custom
Bag : Diesel

Friday, August 20, 2010




Jacket & Coat

Jewelry & Accessories



get them at anthropologie

Monday, August 16, 2010

To GOD for Indonesia

Tuhan, ini bulan suciMu, beri kami, Indonesia, hadiah terbaik yang pernah ada, jaga kesabaran seluruh warga Indonesia, jagalah pemimpin2 kami, tuntunlah mereka pada pembelajaran, kobarkanlah semangat kami untuk memajukan bangsa ini agar kami tidak dilecehkan oleh negara-negara lain. Beri kami kobaran semangat kemerdekaan Tuhan. MERDEKA!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend report


My sister and me have a photo shoot for our online shop, I'll tell you on my next post. Just wanna show you my rings, hehehe, I'm a little show off here

Last Saturday

My mother and me went to Pusat Grosir Surabaya (Wholesale Center of Surabaya) PGS, We bought 7 batik shirts and 6 dress, we gonna resell it again anyway :)..


on our way to home, I took a view photos

tugu pahlawan, symbol for Surabaya as a Hero city

Governor Office

Oow, don't worry, I will always find something unique on Surabaya

Let's check this man, he brought so many box on his motorcycle, you know what, in Indonesia those box are usually used to take a lots of egg on them, yeah, awesome!

Sunday night

My sister and me, we sent clothes together to my mom stand on a Batik exhibition (I didn't take any photo of it). After that, we both are looking around the mall, it's not opening yet :p, I mean not all of the store open yet (don't know why), we found an event, it shows so much vintage picture of Surabaya, vintage motorcycle and a lot of vintage stuffs


I want to show you what's special is this picture, it's a picture of vihara that I've took picture of it on my other post here's the picture

doesn't really look different, does it?

Bytheway, do you see bag on my sister? It's a vintage bag and genuine leather, I found it on Facebook only for 80.000 rupiahs ($8)

After we looked around, we decided to go home, but we bought 2 magazine first, they are Cosmo Girl and Go girl.

that's what I can tell to you, let say Hello to Monday :)