Sunday, July 11, 2010

Check check.. I'm checking

Hai guys, I'm just checking the mobile blogging.. I guess my phone isn't so cool to use for posting. I use nokia 5310 XpressMusic anyway. I'll take a standart way to post my blog.
See ya

Friday, July 9, 2010

What I did today

Today my mom and me went to pasar atom, she fitted her new velvet kebaya in a tailor. but the kebaya will be done on monday. After we went in pasar atom, we went to pabean. Pabean is a center of commerce in Surabaya. My mom wanted to buy gourami (fish), so we went to fish market at pabean. It's fishy, I'm telling you I don't eat fish because I'm a vegan, so it's kinda scary for me... When we walk, the alley is wet and cold caused by a lot of ice to keep the hole fish on that market fresh. And my shoes were wet too. I feel like a dumb when I realize that I wore shoes, my favorite shoes

at fish market

my wet shoes

And then we went away to spice market. We bought 10 kilos onion and spices like chili and kunyit maybe you call it as saffron (when I check it at google translator they call it turmeric). Oh, I guess I'm not telling you yet why we bought those fish and spices. Tomorrow my cousin has an event, his wife-to-be family will meet my big family, maybe they'll gonna talking about the wedding ceremony or everything bout the wedding and bla bla bla... In javanise tradition, when a part of our family has an even we have to bring or give something, usually we'll bring foot and fruit. And my mother decided to bring fried fish and grilled fish. that's why we bought fish and spices

Onion that we bought

After all we went home (finally).. When we went home, I toke a view picture, it's like a china town but have a taste like Netherlands. I toke a photo of a vihara, a place for Khong Hu Chu pray.
Enjoy :)

Khong Hu Chu vihara

I toke photos of kya kya too, this street was a place for people to buy chinese food at night. But noon, it's for business

kya - kya back gate

the front gate

As usual, my mom and me always riding motorcycle everywhere, even we bring a lot of stuff. And I toke photos of my mom and me when my mom ride the motorcycle

my helmet


my mom's Hello Kitty helmet

That's what I did today, thank's for read
Keep healthy :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Monster

Happy birthday BIG guy. Today is David Kennedy (Guitaris of Angels and Airwaves) birthday. You turn 34. All the best wishes for you dave. May every wishes that you want come true. And keep healty :)

Align Center

Panjang umurnya panjang umurnya panjang umurnya serta mulia serta mulia
(a birthday song in Indonesia)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

They're my barbie girl

Last friday my mom bought me a barbie, but my new barbie doesn't have a clothes. So last night I decided to make a crochet dress for her. here's the dress, worn by my old barbie (mom bought me this barbie when I was 8 years old)

my new barbie (left)

| she's the new barbie wear DIY denim dress and DIY crochet hairpiece |
| she's my old barbie wear DIY crochet dress and DIY pom-pom headpiece |

Monday, July 5, 2010

BIG is relative

These photos are taken by my twin sister when we were at the parking place of my current campus.. And I just realized that I look so big and so look like a guy.. Gee!! I don't now that my body look almost like guy, maybe that's why a lot of people call me mas (a call for male in Indonesia). Sometimes my sister call me Tv or refrigerator because my back is wide enough to called as 2 door refrigerator. Anyway, sometime I feel my feminine side, but sometime I feel I want to be someone that I feel comfy when I'm her. Sooo.. these all are my photo with my friend Cicit

I was focused on my phone hahaha... Do you think I look like a guy?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Clogs that I love

Marina's so POP!!

I just toke a blogwalking at birds of a feather flock together and I watched Marina and The Diamonds new video "Oh No!", here's the video.. Enjoy!

isn't it amazing? the color, pop art and fashion. It's all is POP